The benefits are clear

Visibility across all roles, activities, increased productivity, reduced risk & early warning detection

Everyone benefits for using TCM

Regardless of your role in the contract, either within your organisation or outside, everyone  benefits from using TCM. This includes roles of owners, stakeholders, senior executives to your team on the ground.

TCM has been used by single sub-contractors running single contracts to multinational organisations running many contracts across multiple time zones and languages.

We are always listening to our customers and delivering solutions that allow them to do business quicker, cheaper and more efficiently.


  • Improves efficiency - access anywhere, one source of truth across the business

  • Controls information and processes - critical information delivered to all areas of business

  • Minimises delays and disputes thanks to a permanent archive and audit trail
  • Provides unlimited scalability - TCM will scale up and down aligning with the ebbs and flows of your business.

Below are some examples of how TCM benefits the various stakeholders on a contract.

Executive management

Want to see a global view of how your contracts are performing across continents and time zones? TCM’s executive dashboard provides key contract information so executives can gain an overall view of contract performance and how they are tracking against KPI’s.  Dashboards highlight contracts that require immediate attention and those that are on track. The dashboard and reporting subscription suite ensures that information is delivered in real time to ensure that timely decisions can be made.

Senior management

Get the high visibility you need to identify and control risks and issues that can lead to delays and cost overruns. TCM provides management with real-time factual information to support informed decisions. This may result in eliminating inefficient work practices, adjusting resource levels or increasing working hours.  Financial information across multiple contracts is used to make  decisions over reallocation of resources, benchmarking and negotiating with suppliers.  

Project managers

Project Managers can monitor all activity on any given contract.  From resources to plant, from scheduling to finance, from productivity to cashflow.  They can report on the progress of the contract and make informed decisions to tackle any issues before they escalate.  TCM highlights work items that are slow starting or late running. Document management ensures the PM has all the information at their fingertips.  Information is delivered to the PM when and how they need it.

Site managers

Maintaining site diaries, notes and uploading photos allows Site Managers to ensure all information is accurately recorded and transparent. This is vital in a claims situation as accurate daily record keeping and tracking of progress on site will need to be easily accessible. 

Quantity surveyors

QS’s can ensure document standards are managed across all contracts and the data driven document management function ensures accurate information is distributed to all relevant parties.  From RFI’s to Variation orders, TCM ensures full visibility and distribution of documents.

Project coordinators

Project coordinators become far more efficient as TCM's streamlined process automates many of the tracking and reporting tasks.  This releases valuable time to proactively support project resources.